Annie Lin, PhD
Assistant Professor
The ENACT (Electronic Nutrition Approaches for Cancer-related Topics) Research Group develops, tests, and refines digital tools to advance nutrition care for cancer prevention and survivorship. This research program merges expertise in human nutrition, food science, computer science, public health, and health psychology to encourage sustainable health-promoting diet behaviors under free-living conditions.
We use a mixed-methods approach (quantitative, qualitative) to understand the needs and preferences of end-users, while integrating clinical and dietary assessment methods in our studies. With collaborators across the world, our group aims to:
- Improve the accuracy and convenience of dietary assessments for patients and clinicians
- Develop tools to support personalized nutrition care in weight management, cancer survivorship
- Translate evidence-based nutrition research for patients and communities
We are seeking undergraduate/graduate research assistants and postdoctoral fellows interested in the application of digital technology in nutrition. If interested, please email Dr. Lin ([email protected]).