We host many events in and around Austin throughout the year. 

Science Saturdays

The Hormel Institute is proud to offer Science Saturdays several times throughout the year to inspire the next generation of scientists. Participants receive educational science kits with all the supplies and instructions you need to conduct a science experiment and learn from your results. 

Kit pick-up instructions and Science Saturday dates are shared on our website and social media in the weeks leading up to the events. 

Discover Science Together

Discoveries are even more fun when we make them together! Each year, we host a public event for all ages that provides opportunities for young people and their families to engage in hands-on STEM learning activities. 

Art of Microscopy

“The Art of Microscopy” art exhibit can be found in the hallways of Riverland Community College in Austin. These art pieces serve as not only a way to showcase the work being done at The Hormel Institute, but also to educate those who walk by them to know what these various images look like under a microscope.

Bring the magic of microscopy to your own neighborhood: Thirteen additional images are available to be checked out as a traveling exhibit for display around the region upon request.  Email for more information.