Rochester, Minn. — The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) of Southern Minnesota hosted its National Philanthropy Day awards luncheon on November 12 at the Rochester Golf & Country Club.
At this luncheon, seven prestigious awards were given to recipients to acknowledge their impact on philanthropy in southern Minnesota. Many nominations were submitted from throughout southern Minnesota, and all nominations were worthy of consideration. An external group of independent volunteers reviewed nominations and selected the award recipients.
AFP is a globally recognized organization with the goal of bettering the world through the advancement of philanthropy. The Southern Minnesota AFP chapter is one of hundreds of AFP chapters around the world.

Three of the seven award recipients are from Austin, Minnesota:
- Kurt and Brenda Potach received the "Outstanding Philanthropists" award for their more than $1.4 million of charitable giving over the past 25 years. Over $1 million has been directed to The Hormel Institute to benefit cancer research. Their generosity honors their beloved son, Karl, who passed away from cancer at the age of 4 in 1997.
- The IJ Holton Intermediate School Student Council received a "Youth in Philanthropy" award to honor the school's generosity over the span of several years. Students host fundraisers every year to benefit worthy charitable causes. It is amazing to see such young students be active in the planning and participation of their fundraising initiatives.
- Gail Dennison, Director of Development and External Relations at The Hormel Institute, received the award for "Outstanding Fundraising Professional." Dennison received this award to honor her efforts that helped fund two major expansions at The Hormel Institute and raising millions of dollars for research, past and present.
Additional recipients include:
- Nuss Truck & Equipment: Outstanding Philanthropic Business. Nuss Truck & Equipment was honored for their many years of philanthropic giving to many nonprofit organizations throughout southeast Minnesota. The company allows its employees to select nonprofits that are important to them to maximize the workplace culture for philanthropy.
- Karel Weigel: Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser. Karel Weigel was honored for her decades of involvement with nonprofit organizations in southern Minnesota. In addition to her career at Mayo Clinic and helping the clinic enhance its philanthropic activities, Karel remained involved with nonprofits long after her retirement. Her efforts have made a positive difference in her community.
- Mark Neville: President’s Award for Outstanding Fundraising. Mark Neville was recognized for his 30-plus year career in philanthropy. Mark worked in fundraising at several universities, at Mayo Clinic, and with Rochester area nonprofit organizations after his retirement. Mark also contributed heavily as a leader and volunteer with AFP Southern Minnesota, in addition to serving on committees with AFP Global.
- David McKenzie: “Youth in Philanthropy”. David McKenzie has grown pumpkins for the past few years at his family’s farm. David generously donates all proceeds from his pumpkin sales to different charitable causes and has given donations to his local First Responders organization, helped to fund accessibility equipment at a local playground, and more. David sets an outstanding example of generosity for all youth in southern Minnesota.
"Nobody who received an award set out to receive this honor. These awards are the result of years of dedication to philanthropy, with the goal to better our communities and the world,” said Brian Hale, 2024 President of AFP Southern Minnesota and with The Hormel Institute in Planned Gifts and Industry Relations.
“We honor all of the award recipients, and we also honor the other nominees who did not receive an award. Thank you to everyone who helps to make our world a better place."
To learn more about the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Southern Minnesota Chapter, please contact Brian Hale at 507-437-9610 or [email protected].
Melanie Krieps Mergen
Marketing & Communications Content Writer
The Hormel Institute is an independent biomedical research department within the University of Minnesota’s Office of the Vice President for Research. Collaborative research partners include Masonic Cancer Center UMN (a Comprehensive Cancer Center as designated by the National Cancer Institute, NIH), Mayo Clinic, and many other leading research centers worldwide. The Hormel Institute, which tripled in size in 2008 and doubled again in size in 2016, is home to some of the world’s most cutting-edge research technologies and expert scientists. Over the next few years, The Hormel Institute will broaden its impact through innovative, world-class research in its quest to improve human health.